jane Eyre

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Charlotte Bronte's "Jane Eyre" is a perfect example of bildingsroman, the education novel. Jane Eyre is a "coming of age" story as the main character, Jane travels from the innocence of childhood through the maturity of adulthood. During this journey, Jane goes through the battle of education versus containment, where she attempts to learn about herself and about the world. She must constantly battle a contaiment, whether it be a true physical containment or a …

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…is a lonely dependent orphan girl, but she battles through her harsh upbringing and becomes educated, not only intellectually, spiritually, as well. She evolves into a strong, confident woman. She she does not give up her spiritual beliefs or her normal human wants for love to be happy. Jane becomes a modern woman, as she manages to a balance both, the spiritual and the physical, which is what she really wanted in life. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**