jack kerouac

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
Jack Kerouac Born: March 12, 1922 Place of Birth: Lowell, Massachusetts Died: October 21, 1969 Place of Death: St. Petersburg, Florida Jack Kerouac was born Jean-Louis Kerouac, a French-Canadian child in working-class Lowell, Massachusetts. Ti Jean spoke a local dialect of French called joual before he learned English. The youngest of three children, he was heartbroken when his older brother Gerard died of rheumatic fever at the age of nine. Ti Jean was an intense and serious child, devoted …

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…marriages had ended within months. In the mid-1960's he married again, but this time to a maternalistic and older childhood acquaintance from small-town Lowell, Stella Sampas, who he hoped would help around the house as his mother entered old age. He moved back to Lowell with Stella and his mother, and then moved again with them to St. Petersburg, Florida. His health destroyed by drinking, he died at home in 1969. He was 47 years old.