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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Italy is the largest religiously country both economically and politically. Italy has the fifth highest population in Europe, about 200 persons per square kilometer. Minority groups are small, the largest is the German speaking people of Bolzano Province and the Slovenes around Trieste. Although Roman Catholic is the major religion about 99 percent of the people are nominally Catholic all religious faiths are provided equal freedom before the law by the constitution. Greeks settled in the southern …

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…had become Masseria's chief lieutenant, directing bootlegging, prostitution, narcotics distribution, and other rackets. In October 1929 he became the rare gangster to survive a "one-way ride"; he was abducted by four men in a car, beaten, stabbed repeatedly with an ice pick, had his throat slit from ear to ear, and was left at a Staten Island beach, but he survived. He never named his abductors. Later he died in his Second home in Naples Italy.