it is about Social Inequality and Social Stratification

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
Social Inequality and Social Stratification In our everyday life, socialists said and used the terms Social Inequality and Social Stratification a lot. These phenomenons are something related to the society itself. Both of them are multifaceted phenomenon, which means including intangible like materials and elements. Also, they are components such as, income and education. About these topics, Socialists have written many theories, some said that stratification is natural in human societies; some argued that if …

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…highest incidence of this poverty. As a conclusion, these phenomenons have become part of social structure and we can find it in every society. Also, it generates many consequences for member of societies, for instance, people who live in wealthy (luxury) life have better physical and mental health, they involved in political activities, less to be victims of violent crimes and less to be punished for their actions unlikely the poor people with less luxury.