iran iraq war

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
"Saddam Hussein, the Iraqi dictator is a ruthless despot who has brought enormous misery on his own people. It is a pity he remains in power..." (Finley ). The tension between Iran and Iraq had deep roots. Long-standing major problems included rivalries between the minority Sunni Muslims who dominated Iraq and the majority Shiites and disputes over borders that confined Iraq to its narrow access to the Persian Gulf by way of the Shatt al Arab …

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…zone over Iraq. The U.S. made clear statements to the Iranian government about cruising around in the no fly zone, since U.S. aircraft are missioned with permitting NO flights, regardless of which country. The Iran-Iraq war was proven to provide a large amount of Middle Eastern historical significance, as it led to many more conflicts, such as the Persian Gulf War, which created mass tensions in the Middle East and around the globe.