interracial children

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Proposal: Would there be a benefit for interracial children having a multiracial box on any application as means of identifying interracial children. Abstract Despite growing numbers, public images of interracial people - who have been part of the American landscape since the first Africans reached America's shores. Confusion surrounding race stems from the illogic used to define it. Slavery laws and social practices set a precedent - which survives to this day. Traditionally, "White America" …

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…Wayne State University Mann, C (1993) Unequal Justice: A Question of Color Bloomington, Ind: Indiana University Press Mathaban, M, (1992) Black and White: The Triumph of Love over Prejudice and Taboo. New York Murray C (1994) The Bell Curve. New York: Free Press Pincus, F (1994) Race and Ethic Conflict. Boulder Porterfield, E (1978) Black and white mixed marriage Chicage: Nelson Hall Wrigt K (1985) The Great American Crime Myth New York Wright, R (1996) Native Son. New York: Harper to Row