inhumanity in a tale of two cities

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Essay Database > Literature > English
A revolution is a situation where both sides feel they are right, but can a person in a neutral position decide who is right and who is wrong? In many cases, no. That is the problem presented in Charles Dickens's A Tale of Two Cities. In his novel, he shows us a revolution where no one is right; no one is even being rational. Revolutionaries, like Madame Defarge, are killing innocent people to get revenge, …

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…perform the ultimate, unselfish self-sacrifice are truly humane in an inhumane world. In the face of the very selfish view of the revolutionaries and the aristocracy, Sydney Carton performs the most human act. He is able to see the wrong in both groups and realize that neither is right. Characters like Sydney Carton in A Tale of Two Cities contain a gift of unselfishness and compassion unlike any other on earth. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography** no bibliography