illegal aliens

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Illegal Aliens There are an estimated 5 million illegal aliens living in the United States. 300,000 are added to this number every year. It is also estimated that over one million transient illegal aliens are in the United States at any time. These estimations would be much higher if nearly three million illegal aliens were not given amnesty in 1986, allowing them to become legal members of our society. There is a list of 3.6 million eligible people waiting …

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…today. Not only are they affecting our economy in a negative way, but they are taking away job opportunities and health benefits that Americans are guaranteed because of our taxes. I believe that we have an obligation to help those in need, but I do not feel that illegal aliens should have the same rights that I do, if roles were reversed and I was illegal to Mexico, I would probably be thrown in prison.