idiot savants

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Pages: 6
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Essay Database > Literature > English
Page 1 "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get"(Tom Hanks, (Forrest Gump). This quote symbolizes a lot in people don't get to choose what They are given; they have to work with what they have. This is the case in literature as Well as in life for those who live with an idiot savant syndrome. Forrest Gump, Raymond Babbit, and real-life savant Alonzo Clemons all deal with the …

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…Feats of Idiot Savants. San Diego, 1989, pp955-956. Forrest Gump. Tom Hanks. Paramount Pictures, 1994 Psychiatric Foundation. "Savant Syndrome." Psychiatric Dictionary. 1996 7th Edition pp.720. Random House. The Random House Dictionary. New York 1996, pp.951. Rainman. Dustin Hoffman, Tom Cuise. United Artists. MGM Pictures, 1984 State Medical Board of Wisconsin. A Genius Among Us. New York, 1991, pp.37-39. Squire, Larry R. Ed. Encyclopedia of Learning and Memory. San Diego, 1992, pp.573-574. White, Walter. Encyclopedia of Psychiatry. New York, 1959, pp.229