hypocracy of american slavery

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Essay Database > History
Fredrick Douglass The Hypocrisy of American Slavery "The white man's happiness cannot be purchased by the black man's misery." -Fredrick Douglass, The North Star His point was clear, all those years ago. As Fredrick Douglass presented his thoughts in front of the citizens of Rochester in 1852; they came expecting to hear a proclamation of national greatness, a celebration of liberty on the fourth of July. Instead, they heard a stirring denunciation of slavery and the …

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…is today. 5) Arguments for the ages//Frederick Douglass, "its not the light that is needed but the fire" Minneapolis star tribune, 2-28-99 This site provided insight into the argumentative aspects of Frederick Douglas and his troubles. 6) Carstarphen, Meta G. Choosing his words: 'Selected Speeches and Writings' shows breadth of Douglass' intellect and dynamism. Dallas morning news, 2-20-99 This site was influential in my interpretation of Douglass' use of word choice in his speeches.