hungarian immigrants to canada

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Essay Database > History
To what extent does the novel or memoir you have chosen provide useful insights into the topic mentioned? John Marlyn's 'Under the Ribs of Death' is concerned with the life of Sandor Hunyadi, a young Hungarian living in Canada. The novel follows his life as a young boy, and then as a young man in the years before the Great Depression. Sandor's efforts to find his place within Canadian society are a dominant theme of …

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…one cannot condemn either for their historical or literary failures. Bibliography John Marlyn, Under the Ribs of Death, (1957, Canada) J. L. Granatstein, Irving M. Abella, Daniel J. Bercuson, R. Craig Brown, H. Blair Neatby, "A Nation of Immigrants" in Twentieth Century Canada, (1983, Canada) John Kosa, Land of Choice: the Hungarians in Canada, (1957, Canada) N. F. Dreisziger, Struggle and Hope: the Hungarian-Canadian Experience, (1987, Canada) Carmela Patrias, Patriots and Proletarians: Politicizing Hungarian Immigrants in interwar Canada, (1994, Canada)