human rights in Saudi Arabia

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Pages: 10
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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
It is the goal of the Western world to recruit all nations in joining the fight for a universal agreement towards human rights. Unfortunately, many countries refuse to bow down by letting western ideologies infiltrate their culture. While the oppressed citizens crave their rights, their rulers forbid it, preaching nationalism and spiritualism. Before criticizing, it is important to evaluate the true goals that the leaders wish to achieve. If their goals are truly noble, then …

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…and not economic gain. This seems to be quite an unrealistic goal. As an independent country, Saudi Arabia must make many changes to their human rights policies. They must stop arrest and detention irregularities and provide fair trials for everyone. Tortures and executions must stop while ending discriminatory laws. Most importantly, they must practice the true ideals that their culture preaches by not forgetting the core ideas of the right to life, freedom, and equality.