hong kong

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Essay Database > Literature > English
No one who ever flew into Hong Kong's Kai Tak Airport could ever quite forget the experience of landing in one of the world's most densely populated cities. The runway extended out into the bay and continued past apartments so close you could almost reach out and touch the laundry fluttering from the bamboo poles. But Kai Tak, which ranked as the world's third busiest for international passengers in 1996 and as the world's busiest cargo …

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…Both allow you to check in, get your boarding pass, pay your departure tax (which is HK$50 for adults and children), and have your bags transferred to the airport, for a fee of HK$30. You can also travel directly to the airport and go through check-in there, which takes approximately 30 minutes. At any rate, passengers waiting for their flights can browse at the Hong Kong Sky Mall, with more than 100 outlets offering merchandise and food.