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No. 1328. U.S. Exports, Imports, and Merchandise Trade Balance, by Country [In millions of dollars. Includes silver ore and bullion. Country totals include exports of special category commodities, if any. Data include nonmonetary gold and trade of Virgin Islands with foreign countries. Minus sign (-) denotes an excess of imports over exports] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exports, domestic General import Merchandise and foreign trade balance Country -------------------------------------------------------- 1997 1998 1997 1998 1997 1998 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 689,182 682,977 870,671 913,828 -181,488 -230,852 Afghanistan 11 7 10 17 1 -10 Albania 3 15 12 12 -9 3 Algeria 692 650 2,439 1,631 -1,748 -981 …

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…Tuvalu 0 0 0 0 0 0 Uganda 35 30 38 15 -3 15 Ukraine 403 368 410 531 -7 -163 United Arab Emirates 2,607 2,370 920 661 1,687 1,709 United Kingdom 36,425 39,070 32,659 34,793 3,766 4,278 Uruguay 548 591 229 256 319 336 Uzbekistan 234 147 39 34 195 113 Vanuatu 1 40 2 4 -1 36 Vatican City 1 1 1 0 1 1 Venezuela 6,602 6,520 13,477 9,282 -6,876 -2,763 Vietnam 287 274 388 553 -102 -279 Western Sahara 0 0 0 0 0 0 Western Samoa 11 10 2 7 9 4 Yeman, Republic of 153 177 16 38 137 140 Yugoslavia 49 74 10 13 39 61 Zambia 29 22 56 47 -27 -26 Zimbabwe 82 93 139 127 -58 -34 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Represents zero or rounds to zero. X Not applicable. Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census, U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services, series FT 900, December issues. http://WWW.CENSUS.GOV/foreign-trade/www/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**