history of japan
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Essay Database > History
History of Japan
The history of Japan dates back to 30,000 b.c. where it is believed that Japanese people are descent from Mongolian people because of the similar physical features of fold in the eyelid, a yellow tinge in pigmentation, black hair and so on. A large portion of Japan is very mountainous so that leaves 17 percent of surface area available for agriculture. Japanese people main line of business is products of the sea, for
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decades on ultranationalist coalition of right-wing politicians and army officers seized control of the country. After World war two in 1945, Japan's defeat ushered in a period of occupation by Allied military forces and sweeping democratic reforms that included a new constitution of Japan. The postwar decades saw recovery from the war, reentry into the international community, and phenomenal economic growth that transformed Japan into the world's second largest economy by the end of the period.
decades on ultranationalist coalition of right-wing politicians and army officers seized control of the country. After World war two in 1945, Japan's defeat ushered in a period of occupation by Allied military forces and sweeping democratic reforms that included a new constitution of Japan. The postwar decades saw recovery from the war, reentry into the international community, and phenomenal economic growth that transformed Japan into the world's second largest economy by the end of the period.