history of drug use

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Essay Database > Literature > English
A History of Drug Use and Legislation The history of drug use and the development of policies in response to drug use extends back to the early settlement of the country. Like alcohol, the classification of certain drugs as legal or illegal has changed over time. Morals, racism, and issues of international policies appear to spear head most of the movements by the nation to combat a social problem. Alcoholic beverages have been a part …

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…the way people use them and their availability have changes over the years. However, the ineffectiveness of society and government to stop this problem has not. Through education, instilling the correct morals, and effective enforcement we may begin to achieve the results that most Americans want to achieve a drug free America. http://www.history.ohio-state.edu/temprance&prohibition http://www.druglibrary.org/schaffer/History/whiteb1.htm http://heroinaddiction.com/heroin_heroin.html ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**