history of birth control

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
History of Birth Control Although birth control has been practiced since ancient times, the first organized efforts developed during the 19th century as population increased dramatically because of improved medical care, nutrition, and sanitation. However, birth control met with resistance. In 1873 the United States Congress enacted the Comstock Law, which prohibited the distribution of birth-control devices and information. During the early 1900s, American nurse Margaret Sanger led the birth-control movement in the United States. She …

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…the calendar method, which is by far the most widely practiced, there is almost no information on efficacy. A study in Philippines, a country in which 99 percent of NFP users use a calendar method, suggested that the risk of pregnancy was about three percent per cycle. Seventy one percent of those who had experienced failure of the calendar method blamed there own behavior, suggesting that the true method failure rate is lower than that quoted.