himdu religion

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
THE HINDU RELIGION Hinduism, believed to be one of the oldest religions existing today, is most-often described as a philosophy/perspective. The Hindu religion is often thought to have been carried to India by the Aryans in about 1500 BC. The Aryans, along with their predecessors, the Dravidians, brought the ideas of worshipping gods and goddesses in the forms of deities and many of the stories and myths that came with them. During the Vedic period, …

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…worship. Also, Christians do not believe in evolution. They believe that God created the Earth, along with Adam and Eve on it, in seven days. Hindus believe in the oscillating universe (There are an endless number of universes, and Earth is just one of an infinite number of separate universes) and therefore have no objection to evolution. This is just a brief overview of the Hindu religion, and how it compares to Christianity. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**