health care for illegal immigr

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Health Care for Illegal Immigrants On a blistering day in May, United States Border Patrol agents in southern California's Imperial County found a man collapsed in the desert. The thirty-nine year old had successfully sneaked across the border from Mexico but passed out from heat stroke. The Border patrol called an ambulance to take him to El Centro Regional Medical Center where he spent two days in intensive care and several more in recovery. The …

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…have been slashed by more than $3 million over the past three years, and the next year the hospital faces cutback of almost $2 million. Who should pay for this care? Why are we still continuing to take these people to our hospitals? Why hasn't the federal government done something about it? We probably won't know. Our solution will probably be that the hospitals are forced to clos down because of there debt. We will soon know.