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Essay Database > Literature > English
Analysis of Hamlet In the year fifteen ninety-nine, a man named William Shakespeare wrote a play called Hamlet. But this was not just any play. This was a play, which because of it's uniqueness and it's ability to hold relevancy even in today's modern world, is still considered to be one of the classic tragedies of all time. When Shakespeare wrote this play, he had really constructed himself a masterpiece, a piece of work which …

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…greatest plays of all time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography** Work cited Schucking, Levin. The Meaning of Hamlet. New York: Barnes & Noble, 1966. Cantor, Paul. Shakespeares Hamlet. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1989. Chandler, Howard. Interpreting Hamlet: Materials for Analysis. San Francisco: Howard, 1960. Jones, Ernest. Hamlet: A classic study in psychoanalytic criticism. New York: Norton & Company Inc., 1976. Bradby, G.F. The Problems of Hamlet. New York: Haskell House, 1965. Levenson, J.C. Discussions of Hamlet: Boston: D.C. Heath and Company, 1966.