gun control

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Pages: 3
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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
If a criminal attacks you on the street or in your home, you cannot afford to wait 30 minutes, 20 minutes, or even 10 minutes for the police to arrive - assuming that you even get the chance to call police and they respond. Ten minutes is more than enough time for a thug to rob, rape,murder, or cripple you for life. Making guns illegal will primarily disarm peaceful citizens. That gives a green light for violent …

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…state prison system would collapse. In conclusion, Americans are too independent to willingly give up their firearms, and there is no proof that banning firearms would stop and prevent violent crimes. The simple definition of a criminal is someone who does not obey the law. The simple definition of a law-abiding citizen is someone who does obey the law. Therefore, If we pass laws restricting ownership of firearms, which category of people does it effect?