grapes of wrath

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
As the novel The Grapes of Wrath progresses, the Joads progress from a concern only for themselves and their own personal welfare to a concern for all the people in the world. This is accompanied by the disintergration of the smaller family unit which is replaced by the larger world family of the migrant people. This shift from individual thinking to wide spread thinking is most directly seen in the actions of Tom Joad. When …

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…take any wage. Meanwhile they dumped or burned excess food to keep the prices high and put guards around them to keep the migrants from getting them. The company store also tries to rip the migrants off by charging extra for things because it costs gas to go to the nearest town. Through out the novel, the acts of kindness by poor people are contrasted to the greed and meanness of the rich. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**