good wives

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Review of Good Wives Today, women are an intricate part of our working society. There are more women holding full-time jobs than ever before. A women's role is just not in the house; it extends far beyond into the working world where women are even holding positions such as chief executive officers of Fortune 500 Companies. When did this change occur? Was it before or after World War II or was in the 1960's when women …

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…so expected to follow the Rules of Industry and Charity. The Rule of Industry states that a women is always to keep busy-a measure of productiveness. The Rule of Charity meant, "neighborly concern, a general willingness to extend oneself to meet the needs of other" (59). The Rule of Modest suggests that a good neighbor understands his/her role in the caste system and does not attempt to move up or down the scale. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**