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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Interesting that Marty Wuttke reports that alchohol addicts lose their addictions with clinical permanence when they learn the flexibility to get a nice harmonic cascade balance alpha and theta harmonics in their brain waves. It worked so good in addiction programs that Medicare had to stop paying for the biofeedback that did it. (Appears the feds have interest only in maintaining the vicious circle of addiction, cf Marty Wuttke, Clayton, GA.) (Please forward this to
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we do not eat fractal (or spin dense) food, THEN WE ARE LITERALLY DEAD. (In the specific sense that life is recursion, and evil is live,el-into-eye-of phi, spelled backwards.) So yes, obviously if your choice is irradiated chemical brocolli with spin dead pasta and carcinogenic oil, OR fractal GOLD POWDER MANNA, you say, here's my check, I'll take the pill. GOLD is fractal, I heard if you eat the fractal wormhole, you live forever.
we do not eat fractal (or spin dense) food, THEN WE ARE LITERALLY DEAD. (In the specific sense that life is recursion, and evil is live,el-into-eye-of phi, spelled backwards.) So yes, obviously if your choice is irradiated chemical brocolli with spin dead pasta and carcinogenic oil, OR fractal GOLD POWDER MANNA, you say, here's my check, I'll take the pill. GOLD is fractal, I heard if you eat the fractal wormhole, you live forever.