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Essay Database > Literature > English
qwjeidjdjdjjdTheoretical Constructs of Anxiety Previous research conducted relating to anxiety and performance in athletics has been difficult to synthesize for a variety of reasons including methodological flaws such as a lack of clear operational definitions and a clear theoretical construct. This section will establish operational definitions for the terms that will be used throughout the rest of this paper. In addition, it will provide an overview of the theories that have been used by researchers …

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…Hardy et al., 1996). This theory attempts to incorporate both physiological and cognitive factors in its explanation of the relationship between performance and anxiety but fails to explain their relationship with performance adequately. Multidimensional anxiety theory expanded on reversal theory's inclusion of cognitive and physiological factors (Burton, 1988). In this model, cognitive anxiety (the central tenet of which is concerned with the consequences of failure) has been found to have a negative linear relationship w ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**