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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Introduction Geopolitics is the applied study of the relationships of geographical space to politics. Geopolitics, therefore, concerned with the reciprocal impact of spatial patterns, features, and structures and political ideas, institutions, and transactions. The term 'Geopolitics' has originally invented, in 1899, by a Swedish political scientist, Rudolf Kjellen and its original meaning is to signify a general concern with geography and politics. However, defining the concept of 'geopolitics' itself is a considerably difficult task because definition …

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…not only a way of interpreting current geopolitical realities but also an evolutionary process, which constantly reflects the whole picture in a wider historical context. Bibliography Bibliography 1. O Ttathail, Gearoid, Dalby, Simon and Routledge, Paul. The Geopolitics: Reader. Routledge (1998) 2. Demko, George and Wood, William B. Reordering the World: geopolitical perspectives on the 21st century. Westview Press (1994) 3. Taylor, Peter. Political Geography: world economy, nation-state and locality. Longman Scientific & Technical (1993) 4. Agnew, John. Geopolitics: re-visioning world politics. Routledge (1998)