geography of himalayan mountai

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Geology of the Himalayan Mountains The collision between the Indian subcontinent and Eurasian continent, which started in Paleogene time and continues today, produced the Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau, spectacular modern examples of the effects of plate tectonics. Tibetan Plateau itself is a collage of microplates or continental fragments that were successively added to the Eurasian plate during the Paleozoic and Mesozoic eras. Paleomagnetic analysis indicates that these older microplates were in the southern hemisphere during …

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…e visible. Only the southern portion of this uplifted shield, adjacent to a large southward-directed frontal thrust, has begun to undergo erosion. The freshness of the little-eroded upland surface implies very recent (Pleistocene) uplift. This fresh appearance is particularly remarkable in that the town of Cherrapunji, in the hills north of Syhlet, receives the largest recorded annual rainfall of any place on Earth. Folded alluvial fans suggest that thrusting continues today. (JRE) STS-17-120-02