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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Geography- Data Analysis 1) The greatest temperature ranges are between Timbuktu and Cape Town Timbuktu has the highest temperature and Cape town has the lowest. Timbuktu's highest temperature is in Mat and Cape towns lowest temperature is in June. This is because at this time of year the sun's energy is more available to Timbaktu. The Earth spins on a 23.5 degree axis. 2) The highest Temperatures are not found on the equator because the earth spins on …

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…coldest right after the sun comes up because of lag of the day. The sun's energy is just getting collected and none of it is being given off. 5) heat equator and lag of the seasons are the same thing. The sun's energy is collected at one time and given off at a later time. This is because it takes awhile for the atmophere to absorb the energy and give it off as heat. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**