genetic engineering

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Genetic Engineering Genetic Engineering is the scientific alteration of genes or genetic material to produce desirable new traits in organisms or to eliminate undesirable ones. Genetic engineering is an umbrella term, which can cover a wide range of ways of changing the genetic material in a living organism. The cells of all living organisms contain genes. By changing an organism's genes, scientists can give the organism and its descendants different traits. Defects of individual genes …

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…research at your local grocery store to find out which types of foods have been genetically manipulated. Are these foods labeled? 2.There are virtually thousands of foods, medicines, animals and plants that are affected by Genetic Engineering. What types of uses can you think of for Genetic Engineering in our future? How do you feel about the use of Genetic engineering to predetermine character traits in humans? Write about the pros and cons. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**