genetic basis of alcoholism

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Introduction The focus of this paper is alcoholism. The aspects that will be examined in the following pages are the biology of alcoholism, and the genetic basis determining that alcoholism is a hereditary disease. Clarification of the phases of alcoholism as well as possible explanations of the nature of the disease will be offered. Examination of studies concerning biological markers associated with alcoholism and advanced animal testing will allow further understanding of alcoholism and related …

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…Normal and Abnormal Drinking. In M. Sandler (ed.) Psychopharmacology of Alcohol. New York, Raven Press. Partanen, J., Bruun, K. and Markkanen, T. (1966) Inheritance of Drinking Behavior: A study of Intelligence, Personality and use of Alcohol of Adult Twins. New Brunswick, Rutgers University Center of Alcohol Studies. Roebuck, J B. and Kessler, R. G. (1972) The Etiology of Alcoholism. Springfield: Charles C. Thomas. Steen, R.G. (1996) DNA & Destiny: Nature & Nurture in Human Behavior. New York: Plenum Press.