franklin, ben

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Essay Database > History
Ben Franklin: The Personification of American Spirit During a time when colonial American culture was just beginning to develop, very few citizens were concerned with contributing to this blossoming civilization. Benjamin Franklin, whether he knew it at the time or not, was one of the exceptions. An inventor, printer, scientist, poet, Postmaster General, philosopher, politician, economist, ambassador, and author, Franklin contributed to many aspects of the prospering American colonies' culture. Many Englishmen as well as …

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…New and More Elegant Edition Revised and Corrected By the Author" (Wright 274-275). This writing provides a worthy characterization of Franklin because he found analogies and humor in everything. He lived a long and profitable life during which he promoted the ideals of being uniquely American. His life and contributions illustrate the perfect image of the American dream, the image of a man who, in his very intentions, personifies the spirit of a true American.