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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
3. 1. Unfortunately in our society people are judged and put into categories by race. Hansen tells us that the definition of race is, "how a person identifies themselves in response to a question about their racial background. People have tried to categorize man since the beginning of time. The first actual reference to race comes from Homer. He spoke of a black or southern race. Early Greek and Egyptian writings talk about the poor being of …

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…this country should remain open to all because that it is how our forefathers came here. There are others that say that our country is already filled with enough people and that we should not let new people into it. Immigration is defined by Schafer as, "coming into a new country as a permanent resident." (Schaefer 505) There have been many different waves of immigration to the United States since its existence. There are three dist 6.