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Essay Database > Literature > English
David De Souza World Cinema 12/16/98 I have chosen to do my journal entries on films dealing with revolutions. All of the films I have chosen deal with the theme of over throwing the old regime. 1.)"Open City" Open City was one of the first films out of post-war Europe; in fact, it was shot right after the liberation of Rome, with whatever film stock available. Because of this, even the most pristine archival print of …

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…initially seen to march in unison while, after their revolt, they still teem like ants but now in a haphazard, chaotic fashion. Apart from providing memorable visuals, this aspect achieves closure by the end, when the masses are again moving in step, but this time with greater awareness. The result of this is that while Metropolis provides plenty to think about, you don't have to be a film student to enjoy the experience. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**