film industry..comparing hollywood and bollywood(indian film industry)

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
Film industry is the world of dreams. It is a multi billion industry. You can create what you can't create in real life. It's the world of fantasy and creation. There are many kinds of films that are being released nowadays. Hollywood is the American film industry. Next to Hollywood is Bollywood, which is Indian film industry. In Bollywood films are made in Hindi. Hollywood and Bollywood are the two main locations where commercial and …

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…adult or a children movie, but nobody follows it. Commercial movie lovers say art films are boring and slow. Art films have subjects related to human emotions and are made in a poetic vision. Generally art films never make as much money as commercial movies do, but art movies get more awards than commercial ones when compared to their percent of production. Thus, these are the features of Hollywood and Bollywood art and commercial cinema.