fahrenheit 451

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Essay Database > Literature > English
In the genre of science fiction, many writers have changed the way people think about the future and the thoughts of society, but none have created the same amount of change as Ray Bradbury. Through his unique writing style of combining science fiction and sophisticated writing, (Discovering Authors 1) Ray Bradbury changed the genre of science fiction by questioning society's absent-minded use of technology by portraying apocalyptic futures. His works have inspired many science fiction writers …

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…did on many readers. He was able to open up people's eyes to the evils of the world and may have a place in the future of preventing these events. By making his books enjoyable but with a serious moral at the end, he taught lessons not able to be taught in classrooms. Bradbury changed the whole genre of science fiction with his ingenious writing, and affected not only science fiction, but literature as well.