explore the symbols and motift

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Explore the symbols and motifs in the Great Gatsby. The eyes of Doctor T. J. Eckleburg are seen as the eyes of God in Wilson's mind. The billboard with the advertisement containing the eyes looks over a desolate wasteland and is created by an oculist who has a desire to make money. Because the eyes are linked with God, the above fact is proof that God no longer exists to the people as a spiritual …

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…a lawn that extends to the beach and a need for several gardeners. Nick on the other hand, just cuts his own lawn and takes care of his own house. Therefore the first time Nick steps onto the lawn of Gatsby, he has entered a new world. Nick steps into the party and Gatsby's world. Also this first step onto Gatsby's lawn symbolizes his stepping into the affair that will start between Gatsby and Daisy.