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------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return to article page To print: Select File and then Print from your browser's menu. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This story was printed from FindArticles.com, located at http://www.findarticles.com. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentary March, 1998 John O'Sullivan.(Is Affirmative Action on the Way Out? Should It Be? A Symposium)(Cover Story) Author/s: John O'Sullivan Affirmative action has never been simply a "hand up" to "people who have had a hard time." It originally meant preferential treatment …

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…repeat: affirmative action is institutionalized racism. Why do we need to do anything other than abolish it? Any "replacement" must be worthwhile on its own merits. If it is, it need not be justified as a replacement for something that should not be there in the first place. John O'Sullivan is editor-at-large of National Review. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COPYRIGHT 1998 American Jewish Committee in association with The Gale Group and LookSmart. COPYRIGHT 2000 Gale Group ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography** ewqr