evaluation of classical set piece wars

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"Classical set-piece wars between states seem to be a thing of the past, replaced by Intra-wars, insurgency and counter-insurgency wars of one kind or another. These developments give us reason to re-think all our theories of war and peace. We need new theories about violence in world politics." Discuss this claim. War has been a major focal point in international relations for the past 300 years. The moral, legal, humans and strategic nature of war has, …

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…down in a land war, conflict without much risk. As for the prospects for peace, it is now the UN's duty to sustain and resuscitate weak states to best serve its peace keeping ideals, Rwanda was a catastrophe that must not be repeated, it must get better. Bibliography Just and unjust wars, Walzer 1997. Contemporary strategy, Baylis, Booth, Williams. 1997. Internet sources CNN "Rwanda" Article, World politics kegley and Wittkopf International war Melvin Small, J David Singer 1996