essay on Flight

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Essay on \"Flight\" It is always hard to get separated from someone you love and with whom you have shared every moment of his life until he decides to walk on a different path than yours. You don\'t know how to react and confusion dominates your mind. Should you be angry at him for leaving you, or should you support and respect his decision ? In her essay \"Flight,\" Doris Lessing illustrates the story of …

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… her grandfather\'s eyes, who finally understands he cannot keep her to himself for ever. She also shows how his mentality evolves by demonstrating his recognition for Lisa\'s happiness at the end of the story, acknowledging that Lisa will never let him down. Lessing could have presented her ideas in a dull and predictable way but instead, she offered us an original and touching short of a Grandfather, his granddaughter, and his birds.