enzyme report

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Enzyme Activity Abstract: The purpose of this experiment is to test the effects of different sugar types with pH and temperatures. We are testing to see if there is a difference in reaction and reaction time when placed into different temperature and pH. We are looking for changes in color, solidity, reaction time, etc. My hypothesis is that at different temperatures and amounts of pH, there will we different reactions. Introduction: The overview of these …

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…because there was no reaction with the addition of water. Overall we see that the enzymes we used require optimal conditions for the best reaction. References: 1. www.botany.utexas.edu/facstaff/facpages/ksata/ecpf96/6/factors.htm Factors Affecting Enzyme Activity 2. http://edie.cprost.sfu.ca/~rhlogan/enzymes.html Characteristics of Enzymes 3. Dixon, Malcom & Webb, Edwin C. Enzymes 2nd ed. New York, Academic Press. c.1964 4. Fersht, Alan Enzyme Structure & Mechanism San Francisco: W.H. Freeman c.1977