emotions in Les Miserable

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Essay Database > Literature > English
On The Use Of Emotion In Les Miserables The emotions displayed in Victor Hugo's Les Miserables range from anger and despair to joy and peace. Emotions play a major role in the reader's perception of characters, situations, and the novel as a whole. They can be used to manipulate the reader into thinking or feeling different things. The strongest emotions in Les Mis are love and hate. These two are so far from each other …

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…Les Mis, but the impact depends solely on the reader's response. Even at the end of the book, when all is righted, the words of Valjean's headstone are given as a lasting reminder of the life this man lived in love. "He sleeps, although so much he was denied, He lived; and when he lost his angel, died. It happened calmly on, on it's own. The way night comes, when day is done ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**