economic immigrants

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Essay Database > History
The Situation Of The Immigrants In Greece And The Intensification Of Racism And Xenophobia. In the last period, Greece has been converted from a country of emigration to economically more developed countries, to acountry of importing immigrants. The collapse of the former "realexisting socialist" regimes, the opening of these countries 'borders and the economic crisis that followed; the continuing and intensifying super exploitation of the countries of the "third world" by the West; regional conflicts …

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…main slogan "Immigrants are not a problem, they have problems". The coalition which is made up of 29 immigrant and anti-racist organizations demands the legalization of all immigrants, with equal rights, and a stop to all deportations. Although at this moment these movements are at a defensive level, we can say that elements of an anti-racist movement have entered Greek society. The truggles are ahead of us. Network for the Defense of Civil and Social Rights.