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Essay Database > Literature > English
Illegal Immigration and the Economy By: M. Lee E-mail: Illegal Immigration and the Economy Illegal immigration has become one of the key political issues of the 1990s, especially in border states such as California. The Bureau of the Census estimates that there are now 4 million illegal aliens living in the United States and that about 300,000 more settle permanently each year. Four million illegal immigrants is undeniably a large number of people, but …

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…economic birthright usurped by these newcomers. The simple facts of the matter are that this has become an issue that needs to be dealt with in terms of compromise and cooperation rather than confrontation. The immigrants will be here, legally or illegally. Despite any tarnish the country has accumulated over the past century, comparatively speaking, America is still the land of "golden opportunity." Not even American xenophobia of financial self-interest can change that. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**