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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Music
part of 1307 and into 1308, the lands of the Comyns in Buchan and Badenoch were raided, burnt and generally destroyed. The Comyns were then forfeited and their lands granted out to Bruce supporters. By the new year, Bruce was in undisputed control of Scotland, now he could turn his hand to riding it of the English. In this he was aided by the ineptitude, disinterest and political problems of Edward II. There was no effective English …

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…with such duds as "Legend" (1986), "Someone to Watch Over Me" (1987), "Black Rain" (1989), "1492: Conquest of Paradise" (1992), "White Squall" (1996), and "G.I. Jane" (1997). Add "Gladiator" to that list. I think the thing that Scott missed out on was the sense of fun and camp that gladiator movies can bring. It's impossible to watch Stanley Kubrick's "Spartacus" (1960), William Wyler's "Ben-Hur" (1959), or even Mario Bava's "Hercules in the Haunted World" (1961) without a silly grin on your face. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**