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Essay Database > Science & Technology
DREAMS Dreaming is an experience that has fascinated people for a very long time. Although researches about dreams have been limited in the past, it has developed tremendously in its field of science. There are many explanations why people dream, but there are three main theoretical explanations for why there is dreaming: the biological view, the cognitive view, and the psychoanalytic view. I will be assessing a dream of my own, using all three perspectives. …

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…important in that they help provide a path to new discoveries in this infant field of dreams. Bibliography Works Cited Huffman, Vernoy, and Judith Vernoy. Psychology in Action. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1987. Piero, Scaruffi. http://www.scaruffi.com/~scaruffi/science/dreaming.htm 1998. Antrobus, John. Dream Theory 1997: Toward a Computational Neurocognitive Model. http://bisleep.medsch.ucla.edu/srs/antrobus.html. 1997. Carpenter, Siri. American Psychological Association (APA), http://www.apa.org/monitor/sc4.html. 1999.