does america need to be metrified?
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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Does America Need to be metrified?
In my opinion, metrifying America would definitely simplify our society. There would however be many pros and many cons regarding the metric system in The United States. Every other country has changed to the metric system and it has simplified their businesses and industries. So why not metrify America? It could save a lot of time and thinking, just like every other invention that has been added to our
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to visualize what a 180 cm. tall person weighing 80 kilograms would look like. After reviewing the pros and cons, the pros do overtake most of the cons. Which is proved in other countries who have mastered the metric system. In my opinion, the metric system would come in handy in America, however it would take a while to adapt to. If we slowly add metrics to our imperial system, we could possibly metrify America. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**
to visualize what a 180 cm. tall person weighing 80 kilograms would look like. After reviewing the pros and cons, the pros do overtake most of the cons. Which is proved in other countries who have mastered the metric system. In my opinion, the metric system would come in handy in America, however it would take a while to adapt to. If we slowly add metrics to our imperial system, we could possibly metrify America. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**