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Essay Database > Literature > English
When Marriage Comes Apart Divorce has become popular throughout the many years it has existed, and divorce rates keep increasing. There are many different factors that go into divorce that make it a tricky and time-consuming process, but divorce with those who have children is the most difficult. The process of divorce is complex and confusing. Many people have misconceptions about what to expect when dealing with divorce (Berry 1). Legal, religious, psychological, and social forces …

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…and may bring new knowledge of themselves as individuals and the nature of their relationships to new involvement's and levels (Berry 262). Mel Krantzler states, "We have learned from our past, not repeated it" (262). This last note is a reassuring message allowing children to know that it will not necessarily happen to them because it happened to their parents. There is hope for the future, as long as you look at it in a positive perspective.