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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Childhood Depression In recent years, we have heard of depression and the affects of the disorder, and what medications and theories help to prevent depression in adults. Many people are not aware that not only is depression diagnosed in adults, recently studies show that depression is diagnosed in adolescents. Not only adults become depressed. Children and teenagers also may have depression. Depression is defined as an illness when it persists. Childhood depression is one of …

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…state of euphoria). Mania is an abnormally high state of exhilaration For example; adolescents that experience depression has low self-esteem, where as adolescents that have bipolar disorder may appear to have an inflated self-esteem. Adolescents that suffer from bipolar disorder experience symptoms like. Overabundance of energy and full of ambition and power. Children with bipolar disorder, will usually be witty outspoken and comedic. Children that are bipolar disorder tend to be very social and talkative.