depression in women

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Pages: 4
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Essay Database > Literature > English
The Problem: There is an extremely high rate of depression in women in America today. Societal influences, biological factors, lack of education, and lack of treatment all are big factors in contributing to this problem. Women are disproportionately affected by depression when compared to men. I think this issue is a very predominant problem in our society, even through things I see here at USC and in my dorm. This is a problem that needs …

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…solve some problems educating the general public through more TV public service announcements, more access to care, insurance covering prescriptions for antidepressants, and more education on how to deal with depression. It is also important to start providing help to adolescent girls at school through counselors and promoting positive self image. Also incorporating this health issue into the health curriculum by teaching students what depression is, how to recognize it and what you can do.