dante alighieris the divine comedy purgatory

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Dante Alighieri's The Divine Comedy, Purgatory Dante's The Divine Comedy section of Purgatory is a depiction of Dante and his struggle to reach paradise. He is a character as well as a narrator. The purgatory section deals with the seven deadly sins and Dante's task of cleansing himself on his journey to heaven. He confronts many different people on his journey to self-righteousness, which help and guide him to his destiny. Accompanied by Virgil or …

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…the classic poetic stories of the 14th century. The Purgatory section of The Divine Comedy is by far the most intriguing of the three in its attempt to relate to the seven deadly sins that to this day confront society. One has to wonder if Dante knows something about death and what is to come of us. Dante died over 600 years ago but his knowledge lives on in philosophy and reworks of The Divine Comedy.